I'm reasonably certain I had a name for this game, but I abandoned it partway through for... reasons I can't remember.
This game is very important to me, mainly because it serves as a predecessor to the idea of Kingdom of Rage. The very beginnings of the lore, the characters, and story were all made here. The gameplay was significantly different, however.
As much as I'd love to show off this game, I don't really have much to show; all the screenshots are bad or don't really show the whole of everything I made.

Here's a short video of some... crumbling rocks, I guess? I don't remember exactly what this was supposed to do.
And that, unfortunately, is all I have. As important as this project is to me, it's all lost in time. There was far more to this than what was shown, including enemies with ai, a boss, as well as a (very bad) editor.