Kingdom of Rage
Kingdom of Rage is a top-down 2d action adventure game with a heavy focus on story. It is heavily inspired by both dark souls and hyper light drifter. Gameplay is slow and methodical: read your opponents, take your time, or face the consequences.
Environments are varied and diverse, ranging from a forest of silent solitude, stuck in its accursed past, to vibrant fields of violet flowers, to a clanking, mechanical nightmare of gold and gears.
Enemies are challenging and have mechanical depth; each opponent might surprise you in how unique they are, and will challenge you to their last breath.
Bosses are incredible challenges, each a diverse and unique fight that'll leave you wanting more.
The design of Kingdom of Rage is "depth through mechanical complexity". Each encounter, whether it be with an enemy, boss, or simply the design of an area, will have the player learning new mechanics that force them to work in different ways.
This game is the project I am the most passionate about. It has tons of lore, story, and writing, blending the gameplay with the narration. It's my most ambitious project to date, a fully fledged action adventure game about a man overcoming evil - and the curses of his own past. I've poured dozens upon dozens of hours into this project, and it's the first project I've decided to really take seriously. It's an incredibly ambitious project that I'm nowhere near done with, but I hope to someday finish it and release it into the world, so that they might enjoy it.
But on to the actual portfolio stuff, including screenshots and videos. First of all, I apologize for making you leave the site, but here's an album of all the work I did in the month of June 2019.
It's simply too much to fit into one page and it might be a bit overwhelming, so I decided to host it there. It's a nice benchmark to set for how much further I have yet to go and how much I have accomplished since then.
Here's a video showcasing both the title screen, the loading of save profiles, and some AI battling some other AI. The AI itself is of particular interest; it's capable of fighting both the player and other enemies, seen in the video as a group of three "ghost soldiers" (the tall ones who all have swords) versus a group of three "goblins" (the short ones.)
Obviously it's hard to tell what's going on with just placeholder images, but the combat is fully fleshed out, even in AI vs AI situations.
Here's a video showcasing the very first boss fight of the game, versus a general of the King's army, Kaise. It also showcases Player vs Enemy interactions, as well as some placeholder animations of the player. The player can parry attacks (a little hard to tell in the video), which reduces the enemy's stamina, which, if reduced below zero, causes them to be stunned for a short period of time. The player can also heal (tracked by the gem thing in the upper left corner) if their health drops too low.
It also showcases a little bit of my crummy programmer art, which was later replaced.
Here's a showcase of the inventory system I built. Extremely basic, and it doesn't allow the player to move items around, but it allows you to read descriptions, which is about all I need for the design of this game.
Here's the fog system in its earliest iteration. Doesn't look amazing, it's just an alpha-subtract of circles drawn on the player and entities on a moving texture. Eventually, I move on to a much more interesting system, based off of generated "heightmaps" of the texture.
Here's the final iteration of it, which I must honestly say, looks really, really cool. I'm quite proud of it.
I found this video in my folder. Yeah, I have no idea what's happening in it, and it doesn't showcase anything interesting. It just looked funny.
Here's an enemy idle animation, drawn by my artist. He does really good work.
While I think this project has a lot of potential, it is currently on an indefinite hiatus as I have discovered that it is well beyond the scope of my abilities to create.