Adoniram Taylor Bills


My first real foray into the world of game development! Before this, I had done a little bit of modding in minecraft, and slightly more in terraria.

This was sometime around 2016, and the game was based around a game I was playing a ton of at the time, called "Realm of the Mad God." A 2d mmorpg with rogue-like elements. Later on, I made a half-hearted attempt to transition it into another game, which was going to be more story-based, but I abandoned it before I got anywhere with it.

Unfortunately, most of the screenshots I had of this are long-gone. However, I do have a couple videos.

At the time, I was obsessed with making bosses, but I'll leave out most of the crummy attempts here.

VOLUME WARNING! These next few are muted for your safety, but you can unmute them to hear the terrible audio effects I chose.

Here's another take on the same boss, as well as a look at the simple item system I implemented. Later on, these items would have actual stats and could be equipped properly.

Here's some very basic enemies.

Here's a dungeon, some of the first procedural generation I tried. Includes a neat looking pseudo-3d effect on the walls I managed to figure out all on my own (with little math experience at the time).

Here's another boss.

Finally, here's another boss after I basically completely reworked the entire game from the ground up. At this point, the codebase became a complete mess and I abandoned it not long after.