Adoniram Taylor Bills

"Tilegame Engine"

Again, I'm missing a ton of work on this project. This was when I started getting serious about actually programming things well - and I would likely call this one of the most maintainable codebases of any game project I still have remaining. Unfortunately, building the project is very messed up, and I can't be bothered to salvage what's left. So here's a couple screenshots and gifs of what I was using the engine to make:

Yep, that's right. A sonic fangame. This was around the time Sonic Mania had released, and I was looking at the assembly source code for Sonic 3 & Knuckles. It was an extremely ambitious project... but one I'm still planning on coming back to another day. Likely with a whole other engine, though. Despite this engine being much better written than anything else I had written up to this point, it's still a mess.

The source code can be found on BitBucket: Here.